Tips on Moving in Together For the First Time

If you and your significant other have decided to move in together, first off, congratulations are in order! Next, you have to start planning out the next steps so it’s not too overwhelming. Blending two lives can be quite a daunting prospect, but it’s important to be prepared for the common challenges that could arise. Taking this major step in your relationship demands preparation, so check out the following tips for ensuring the move goes swimmingly.

couple sitting on couch with moving boxes

Don’t Be Afraid to Have Conversations

Whether it’s groceries, rent, or dinner dates, you have to make sure you are both splitting things fairly and evenly, says Health. This could get problematic if one of you likes to spend and the other likes to save. Avoid this uncomfortable argument months down the road by having the conversation now about who will be responsible for what. Constant communication is essential!

Where Will You Live?

Now, you have to think about where you will move in together: your place, their place or a totally new place? This decision will depend on many things, such as the square footage of each apartment or house, proximity to work locations, lease agreement timelines, rent price and much more. If you decide to move into their existing space, make sure boundaries are set to ensure the space remains an equal one. You may want to move into a new and neutral space for a fresh start if boundaries will be an issue.

Think About Pets and Kids

Hopefully the two of you have already had some conversations regarding how you feel about having children or having pets. Take this time to chat about your future. No sense in moving in together if you’re not on the same page about parenthood or pet ownership.

Make a Plan for Parties

What is your partner’s preference on entertaining and hosting get togethers? One may love to be around lots of people and enjoy hosting gatherings, while the other prefers peace and quiet. In this case, agree to keep the parties to one or two per month, interspersed with time spent on the couch relaxing together with takeout.

couple holding moving boxes in apartment

Try it Out

If you haven’t yet stayed overnight together, try a trial run to get used to the idea of how to share one space. You could sleep at her place for a week, or go away to the beach for a long weekend. This will give you valuable insight into how the other person lives. Are they messy? Are they clean freaks? Do they like to cook, or do they prefer to clean up afterwards? What time does each person like to go to sleep? These are all important questions.

Create a Budget

Always discuss finances before moving in. You have to agree who will pay certain bills, who buys the food, and more. Don’t fall victim to misunderstandings – create a budget to keep track of what bills need to be paid each month and by whom.

Divvy up the Household Chores

Perhaps you hate cooking but don’t mind washing up afterwards. Or maybe you can’t stand cleaning the bathroom but your significant other doesn’t mind. Come up with a system of dividing chores so everyone can contribute and live as equals.

Take Inventory

It can be tricky to decide what stuff stays and what stuff goes. You may both have couches, but whose will make the cut? He may have a toaster but she doesn’t. She may have a blender for the morning smoothies but he doesn’t. Talk about what you will bring to the table so you don’t have duplicates.


Begin the downsizing process prior to moving in together. De-cluttering is vital when you plan to combine households. Take a complete inventory of the items you each have and start to get rid of the extraneous items. You probably both have a junk drawer full of gadgets and supplies. You don’t need all of them. In the end, though, it’s important to be sensitive to the other person’s needs and feelings when downsizing.

Contact Olde World Movers

If you are facing an impending move as a couple, it’s time to book your residential move with Olde World Movers. To get your free quote, call us today in Fort Worth at 817-618-1557, Euless at 817-374-4316 or Frisco at 972-665-6910. You may also complete our Free Estimate form for a speedy reply or email us at