How to Protect a Vacant Home After Moving


Whether you’re going on a long vacation or just sold your home, it’s important to protect your home when you aren’t there. That’s because a vacant house has a higher risk of burglary than occupied ones, and many unfortunate events can happen when you leave your house empty and uninhabited. The last thing you want to deal with when moving or going on an extended trip is damage to your empty house.

​Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to keep your vacant home protected. Here are some helpful tips.

Put in an Alarm System

Investing in an alarm system will give you peace of mind, plus it will save you money on your insurance policy. Continued monitoring services may include fire alarms, which means the security company will alert the fire department if necessary. Plus, you don’t have to worry about theft after moving and before the new owners move in.

Be sure to tell your alarm company before you leave, and give them a list of approved people who may enter the premises.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Regulating your home temperature when you’re away can prevent your interior pipes from bursting in the winter and from any hard wood in the house from swelling in summertime. Many thermostats are available with wi-fi, which allow you to program them from your phone. This way, no matter where you are, the home will be at the right temperature.

Utilize Exterior Lighting and Cameras

Exterior lights on timers act as an intruder deterrent. Install exterior lighting and cameras on your home and on any detached garages and sheds. When you keep these lights on a timer, it looks as if someone is home. This also increases visibility around the house so you don’t become a target for potential thefts.

Have a Local Contact

Make sure to have a local contact in place who can regularly check up on your house. This has two benefits: it gives the illusion someone is there, plus it gives you a lookout of sorts as to any potentially damaging problems or threats. A family friend or neighbor would be able to let you know right away if a pipe burst and has flooded the downstairs, or if a window has been smashed.

Prepare the Home

There are simple things you can do, such as replace worn locks and close blinds to protect your home while you’re away or after you’ve moved. Be sure to place strong locks on all exterior doors to guard against an easy break-in. Position your blinds so natural light can stream in as an added deterrent to intruders.

Contact Olde World Movers

If you require moving services, we can help. Contact us at one of our three locations in Euless, Frisco or Fort Worth.