8 Benefits of Storage When Moving

storage units euless frisco

It’s exciting to buy a new home, no doubt. You’re moving into a new house, starting a new life and enjoying a new community. In many cases, you’re starting a new job too. That can all be terrifying and exciting at the same time. But one thing that’s not fun is ending up with extra stuff to store, or having move-in and move-out days that don’t coincide.

That’s why it helps if your movers offer a storage option when moving. Here are some of the many reasons that storage units can come in super handy when relocating.

1.  You Can Get Ahead of Your Move

It’s easier to plan a move when you have a closing date in the books. But while this is ideal, this isn’t how things always work out in in reality. Heck, even if you know what your closing date is, you may still have a gap with your move-out and move-in dates.

With storage from your mover, those coverage gaps don’t really matter. They will happily store all your stuff for you after moving out of one house and until you move into the other. Knowing this, you can relax and store your belongings well ahead of time, unpacking and moving your stuff when you have to.

Even with a firm move-in date in mind, you can sign up for storage to get ahead with all your packing, sorting and organizing tasks.

2.  Declutter While Selling

It helps if you can declutter while selling your home. That’s because the more stuff you get rid of now, the less you will have to pay for your movers to move stuff and store it. This saves you a lot of money, so get started on the decluttering now. This also helps you decide what you really want to bring to the new home, and what can be sold, trashed or donated.

By getting rid of the junk, you can free up more space while organizing, which is a great way to stage your house and get it ready for buyers. With a minimalistic and well-staged home, you may be able to sell it faster.

3.  Free or Discounted Amenities

Many movers offer bulk discounts if you schedule both moving and storage services through them. This is another great way to save money on your relocation. Sometimes, when you rent a storage unit from them, they allow you access to their moving vans and trucks for free.

Other times, they will help you unload your boxes for free because you have rented a unit at their climate controlled facility. Always call and ask your moving company what discounts or free services they offer when you bundle.

4.  Convenient Storage Before and After a Move

Who doesn’t like to have readily available access to storage when they need it? This allows you to move at your own pace, which in turn lowers your stress level. With no need to rush, you can pack in peace. And the more stuff you can pack on your own ahead of time, the more money you save. That’s because many movers change by the hour.

Let’s say you have large items such as pool tables or pianos that you’re unsure what to do with at the moment. Putting them in storage allows you to arrange for a sale or time to figure out where they will go in the new layout.

5.  Protect Your Belongings

Most storage facilities offered by movers feature 24/7 surveillance, security, and alarms. You get peace of mind knowing your stuff is safe at all hours of the day. You can also rest easy knowing you can store your valuable belongings and documents in the facility where they won’t be at risk for theft or damage.

The same can’t be said for friends who may be helping you with your move or who offer to let you store your stuff at their homes. With storage services from your mover, you don’t have to ask anyone for help and you will know your stuff will be well protected at all times.

6.  Promotes Organization

When you know you have a dedicated spot to store your belongings, you can take your time when organizing. You can go by room, or you can go by item type, such as seasonal decorations, clothing, kitchen items or bedding. Being well organized allows you to keep common items together, which helps when unpacking.

In contrast, when you’re in a rush, you tend to quickly throw things into boxes, which increases the risk of improper packing techniques and damage. With storage waiting in the wings, you will be able to really think about the things you are packing and how you are packing them.

7.     Flexible Timing

Time is on your side when renting a storage unit from your movers. And with more time comes more flexibility because there are no worries about closing dates and move-in dates. This puts time in your hands and allows you to stay in control of your schedule. There is no better gift than time!

8.  Less Stress

We all know moves can be very stressful. If you don’t have the time crunch, your stress lessens considerably. This makes a huge difference in your mental health as you navigate through your relocation.

Whether you still need to hear about a closing date or you’re downsizing into a new home and don’t have the space to put your extra stuff, take advantage of your moving company’s storage offerings.

Contact Olde World Movers

Here at Olde World Movers, we offer storage services in addition to our moving services, so feel free to reach out for a free quote. Just contact us at one of our three offices in the DFW or ask for a free moving estimate online.