5 Tips for Moving into a Smaller Space



Whether you’re on a tight budget or facing retirement, there are many reasons why you may be downsizing your living quarters. More and more people are saying goodbye to the big house and lawn, which comes with a big maintenance price tag, and hello to a smaller space that’s not only cheaper but easier to clean.

That doesn’t mean downsizing won’t be painful. It will be tough to move from a large home to a modest one, due to the sheer volume of stuff you’ve accumulated over the years. You’ll have to make a lot of hard decisions in the next few weeks as you face your downsizing relocation.

1.  Schedule Your Mover

The first task is to schedule your local residential mover to handle the job. Do your due diligence and research background, experience, services, level of skill and price.

2.  Alter Your Mindset

Downsizing may not have been your first choice. Perhaps you’re moving because your husband lost his job. Or maybe you need to move closer to your aging mother to help her through an illness. Whatever the case, try to focus on the positive aspects of moving into a smaller home:

  • Easier to upkeep
  • Less pressure to host parties and gatherings
  • Lower mortgage
  • Decreased maintenance costs

You can probably do more in your new community to keep costs down. Maybe it’s a small town so you can ride your bike to and from work. You’ll save on gas and be doing Mother Nature a favor in the process. It’s important to find the silver lining of downsizing and keep these reasons front of mind as you start sorting, selling or donating your belongings.

3.     Ditching the Extraneous

It’s time to think about the possessions that make you most happy, and those that you could live without. Things that are replaceable can be bought later if you find you need them. Things that are irreplaceable, from family heirlooms to photographs to collectibles, should probably make the trip with you. It’s crucial to identify the must-haves, and let everything else go.

4.  Cut Out the Duplicates

Living in a large home means you probably had plenty of space to store stuff you don’t really need. That includes duplicates of anything from kitchen utensils and dishes to appliances and glasses. While duplicates may have come in handy in your large home, they just aren’t practical in a small space.

5.  Form New Habits

A smaller home may not offer the storage options of a bigger home, but there are many advantages to that. It’s time to form new habits and ways of thinking about “stuff.” Focus on what makes you truly happy and make room for items that give you joy or serve a practical purpose. With fewer places to stash stuff, you don’t have to go hunting for what you need, clawing your way through an immense attic or crawling over boxes in your walk-in.

Instead, all of your belongings will have a clearly-defined home and be accessible whenever you need them. This will also help to keep you clutter-free and a much more organized person.

Whether you’re downsizing by choice or necessity, you’ll have to compromise on some things, but there’s no need to give up on everything you love.

Contact Olde World Movers

For help with your downsizing, contact us to book your move in Euless or Frisco today.